Wednesday, February 3, 2010

3470 miles (5585 km)

This is the distance between the United States and England.

I visited England for the first time in March of 2006. Um, side note here, I AM a mountain girl, at heart. My winters in Colorado, consumed with snowboarding and snow shoeing, my face buried in the stinging crisp snow many, many I'm used to the cold.....American Cold, that is.  The trip to England in March about did me in, it was beyond freaking arctic! Alison and I half heartedly joked around about me moving out.  Besides civil unions being legal  the idea of me moving across the pond made more sense. Alison owned a house, established in her career, while mine as a massage therapist was in it's infancy stage.  I needed the adventure, it's not everyday a gal from Denver gets a chance to unhitch the horse to move abroad!

Thus the first move begins.

One would think, moving to a country where the bond between two nations is absolutely stellar and the English language is spoken (at least, I thought English was spoken until I moved to Yorkshire) wouldn't be tough. I figured all would be fine and dandy. I transitioned myself to Denver from Kentucky, had numerous apartments in my 17 years of Colorado living, what could be so difficult about moving to England?  HA!  I scoff at the sweetolicious smell of my naivety! Try getting a "partnership visa" in the States, try asking simple questions about this new visa being offer. I dare you.

Where does one begin?  One word, very, very easy. "Google."   Google knows everything.  Sometimes, I wish I could have contacted people directly at Google as opposed to the British Embassy in Los Angeles.

The cost of my Settlement Visa: $933.  The lesson here, start saving your pennies. 

The cost of asking seemingly  "simple"  Visa questions: $2.90 a minute.  The lesson here, the government is screwing you, me, and anyone who needs help with following the laws of traveling abroad.

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